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Stuck With U

I realized I haven’t had a lot of time with the hubby in a while. Like just us together time. We went on the cutest Valentine’s date this past week, a glow up version of us back in the day, better phones now and all so no more potato pics quality. It made me miss dates like this back when we were just two young, dumb, broke college kids. Ah, to be young and in love in New York City.

Back in college, he would always come up to visit me and we would try to go on city dates when we had weekends off together. I was looking through old photos and even found pics from freshmen year when he brought me pink roses and took me to see the French exhibit for Valentine's day. We were young, broke college kids looking for inexpensive things to do in the city and I always loved the Met. Well, this spring is going to mark 10 years since I graduated pharmacy school and some things never change because I still love the Met and city dates with the boy. I was looking forward to this date all last week when he told me we could go. We finally got to go see the Disney exhibit and I really enjoyed seeing all the history, art, blueprints and inspiration behind one man's imagination brought to life. Walt Disney really had a talent to make note of every little detail. Unfortunately no photos are allowed inside so I definitely recommend stopping by to check it out before it's gone by March 6. We went to the Loeb Boathouse for lunch afterwards which is truly a step up from back in the day when we picked a restaurant based on budget. I don’t think the Loeb Boathouse was that expensive but it’s nice to be grown up now and just pick a cute place for the view or whatever and worry about the bill later. Although don’t worry, I’m still the same girl who still loves fries and chicken nuggets and honestly that’s all I wanted for Valentine’s day instead of chocolates and this boy delivered, hahaha. He even turned off the cameras in the front yard at our house so I couldn’t see him sneak in my gift. Who says romance is dead?

I’m leaving for a girls trip in a few days and he was so cute. He took off work this weekend just to spend some extra time with me before I leave.

There’s a lot of different factors though why we don’t have a lot of time to spend together; like how we have totally opposite schedules in terms of shift times and days we work. So our schedules only align for us to have two days off a month together. Despite seeing each other everyday because we live with each other, it doesn’t really count saying good morning and good night. And then there’s the whole my sister lives with us thing, so we’re rarely alone-alone. In the summer it was nice because we would go on dates just the two of us, but in the winter it’s hard because there’s honestly not that much to do on Long Island.

I’m trying to come up with new date ideas that we can do together so we’re not sitting around half the time wasting time wondering what to do, like when you sit there so long picking a Netflix movie, you could’ve watched two movies in that time, lol.

Being that we’ve been to the new Star Wars land in Disney World and rode the rides, he suggested we watch the movies so it makes more sense when we go, similar to how we watched all the Harry Potter movies after we started going to Universal often. I was never crazy into space sci-fi movies but I said we could give it a shot. I looked up mini golf but unfortunately a lot of places are outdoors and it’s been absolutely too cold for that nonsense. Hopefully it’s something we can try when the weather warms up again. I also suggested hiking upstate and around the island but I have to look into trails and such, but I’m also wary because last year’s tick season was pretty bad for all of the Northeast region. I did find a decent amount in my yard so he had to end up bombing the whole yard to get rid of them since he’s out there often doing yardwork anyway. We did get a badminton set and I would love to get into that again as well when the weather warms up and that would be an easy activity to do at home. I do miss kayaking as well and would love to find new sites this year to kayak at. He was actually wondering if we should get our own instead of renting them all the time but that’s a different discussion for another day. I looked into video games for us to play together but he likes shooters and ugly games while I like easy simple games with pretty colors like Mario. LOL, we have to find something we both can enjoy. This is where it’s hard being total opposites sometimes. Everyone always asks what do we have in common that we ended up together and honestly, I still don’t know. All I know is somehow it worked and we’re still crazy about each other to this day. He always wants to be with me and do the things I want to do, simply to spend time with me and be with me. And shit like that is what drives me wild for this boy. The love that he has for someone weird like me. I wish I could explain it but it just works. I guess we’re just stuck with each other.

Even when we’re in the same room doing totally different things sitting in different spots, we still just simply enjoy each other’s company. He’s over there shooting headshots in some video game, while I’m sitting here click-clacking away on my blog and organizing photos. We don’t even dress anything alike! Our styles are totally different. He’s very laidback and dressed down most of the time, while I’m always extra, girly and done up. But every so often he cleans up and matches me and surprises me because he knows how much I love it. It’s those little things that drive me wild and make me fall in love with him more even if he drives me crazy.

And all these years later of being each other’s Valentine’s for 21 years, we’d still have it no other way.

It's just you and me
And there's nothing I, nothing I'd rather do
I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you