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New Beginnings

For the first time in forever, it feels like the stars are starting to align again. My friends are in happy, healthy relationships and everyone is GROWING. It feels really good. I don’t really have much to write about these days because I don’t travel much or do gram tours anymore because pandemic but I wanted to jump on here real quick and write a quick blurb about our relationships.

It’s hard. It’s really hard watching your friends go through relationships in search of the one for them. Especially because all you want is to see them happy and being treated the way they deserve to be treated. I hate seeing my friends being taken for granted and unhappy. I really do. It hurts my heart to see someone not be willing to make the minimalist of efforts to make their day if they’re supposed to be their loved ones. All I want to do is scream. But it's not your place, and you have to let people go through things sometimes because no one can tell you otherwise. Even if you think someone isn’t right for them, you can’t do much other than say your piece and go. In the end, all you can do, is be there for your friend. Be supportive as best you can be through the journey. Be a good friend.

And relationships aren’t something you can explain to anyone either in one cohesive definition. All relationships are different, whether it’s someone’s first or ninth relationship. You can offer advice and the lessons you learned yourself and again, just be there and supportive. There is no handbook you can give someone with all the right things to say or do to make sure it works out.

What I’m loving though, is the excitement of my friends and their new blooming relationships. I love when two people are so excited to see each other grow. I love when they are supportive of each other. Uplifting one another, learning about each other, encouraging each other’s endeavors and showing an interest in what makes that person passionate. And I really freaking love when someone goes out of their way to make someone else happy. That extra mile effort shit really makes my heartstrings flutter. And I love love LOVE seeing them enjoy each other’s company. Wanting to be by their side, wanting to do everything with them, experience new things, teach the other new things, introduce them to new people, showing them off to their friends and family, it’s all really beautiful. I know it comes off corny and cheesy but stuff like this really makes me happy. Just wholesome cute relationship things. This is probably why I still love rom coms and those teenage drama romance stories about young love. I’ve been wanting to see my friends win for a long time and I’m just really happy about it. I was lucky enough to get married to my best friend and despite how different we are, something about us just clicks and we’re crazy for each other. I remember feeling this “some type of way” when I was sitting there on my wedding day reading my letter from my husband to be, and then when I got to the altar and we exchanged vows, there was a moment that I simply can’t describe other than being utterly completely happy. It was a split second of all is well with the world, peace of mind that I was where I was meant to be at this place and point in time and nothing could take that away from me. I want this happiness for all my loved ones. I just want them to live encompassed with radiating positive energy and excitement for life and what they're going to do together. I want to see them grow and I'm so excited for what the future holds.

Don’t take what you have for granted. Don't take who’s in your life for granted. Count your blessings. Love your loved ones fiercely. Root for them. Every day.

And lastly, remember to take tons of photos along the way. 🥰💗