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Quarantine Workouts

This weekend was beautiful despite the sporadic rain showers here and there. I went for a run in Central Park with my sister and it gave me a bit of inspiration to help push me through the fear of starting my marathon training soon. It was a new trail and change of scenery and honestly it was a breath of fresh air compared to my neighborhood runs for the past two years. Sometimes I wonder how I’m going to push through all 26.2 miles but running the new trail this weekend reminded me the WDW marathon route is going to be new to me so that’s going to help push me through to see everything as I run since it runs through all 4 parks. The rain this weekend was light but it felt amazing running through it, as it helped to cool me off during my run.

For marathon training, I’m going to try and follow Jeff Galloway’s training plan, but with modifications here and there as I progress. These plans are free on runDisney’s website. I also joined a runDisney Facebook group where I can log and track my progress with all those also preparing for their first marathon. So far everyone’s been really helpful and inspiring, with the moderator creating a comprehensive spreadsheet to help everyone track their progress and mileage, whether it be their first marathon, first Dopey or Goofy challenge.

In between runs, I’m going to continue to do weights at least 3 times a week to cross train. I was reading another marathoner’s blog about how sore she felt after her run, despite being an avid runner and stretching pre and post run. She realized it was because all she did was run, and didn’t strengthen her core or anything else. Once she incorporated other different types of workouts, she saw improvement in her recovery. This made sense to me since I’ve never really had an issue post run with recovery, so I definitely will keep up with my weight lifting, as well as remembering to take proper time to stretch before running. Running is more than just running, it requires you to be strong in all areas of your body to help you through the run, as well as aid you in recovery. I need to get into the habit of properly stretching post runs as well. I’m just always impatient with time. I never want to take my time, but rather do things as quick as possible so I can move on to the next thing. Probably why I have no patience for yoga every time I try it out. But this is the time to learn to slow down as the training plan calls for 30 minute runs twice a week on Tue/Thu, a long run on the weekend and cross training in between. So I should really fit some yoga in there since I’m not supposed to be running everyday. This training plain is supposed to help me not only finish strong but also without injury. 26.2 miles is going to definitely be brutal so slow and steady will be the name of the game of this training. I got new running sneakers, some new active wear and I’m ready to tackle this on headfirst and headstrong! 2020 may be cancelled but I’m using the rest of this year to focus on my training. It’s probably a blessing in disguise to keep me focused on the goal, otherwise I’d be expending my energy trying to go to all the dumb pop-ups, trying to gram everything.

Anyways, I have my workouts posted in IG story highlights, as well whenever I workout on the daily, but a few have asked for it written out, as a list is easier for some to look at, at a glance, than having to constantly flip through videos and posts. So this post is for you guys who requested this for your workouts. Bookmark, screenshot, use as you please.


  1. Stiff legged deadlifts with dumbbells, barbells

    • 3 sets of 20 reps (single dumbbell, double dumbbells, barbell)

  2. Dumbbell squats

    • 3 sets of 20 reps (single dumbbell, double dumbbells, barbell)

  3. Barbell deadlifts

    • 3 sets of 20 reps (increase weights every 3 sets)

  4. Barbell squats

    • 3 sets of 20 reps (increase weights every 3 sets)

  5. Squat thruster with barbell

    • 3 sets of 20 reps

  6. Reverse lunge bicep curl

    • 20 reps PER LEG = 1 set. Do 3 sets.

  7. Barbell side lunges

    • 3 sets of 20 reps.

  8. Barbell squat/leg raise

    • 10 reps PER LEG = 1 set. Do 3 sets.

  9. Static lunge with dumbbells

    • 20 reps PER LEG = 1 set. Do 3 sets.

  10. Barbell curtsy lunge

    • 3 sets of 20 reps.


  1. Dumbbell chest press

    • 3 sets of 20 reps

  2. Arnold chest press

    • 3 sets of 20 reps

  3. Dumbbell flies

    • 3 sets of 20 reps

  4. Dumbbell pullover

    • 3 sets of 20 reps

  5. Close chest press

    • 3 sets of 20 reps

  6. Pushups

    • 3 sets of 10 reps

  7. Planks

    • 3 sets of 2 min 30 sec planks.

  8. Windshield wipers

    • 3 sets of 20 reps

  9. Leg raises

    • 3 sets of 50 reps

  10. Twists with dumbbells and leg lifted

    • 3 sets of 30 reps

  11. Standing diagonal crunch

    • 10 reps PER LEG = 1 set. Do 3 sets.


  1. Single arm bent over rows

    • 20 reps per arm = 1 set. Do 3 sets.

  2. Single arm tricep extension

    • 20 reps per arm = 1 set. Do 3 sets.

  3. Front to lateral raise

    • 3 sets of 20 reps

  4. Dumbbell reverse military press

    • 3 sets of 20 reps

  5. Bicep curl variation

    • 3 sets of 20 reps

  6. Skullcrushers

    • 3 sets of 20 reps

  7. Chest press

    • 3 sets of 20 reps

  8. 21s

    • 7 lower - 7 upper - 7 from the bottom all the way up = 1 set. Do 3 sets.

  9. Bicep curl/shoulder press

    • 20 reps per arm = 1 set. Do 3 sets.

  10. Do the following 5 exercises continuously with no rest between. 1 set of 20 reps each of each exercise.

  11. Barbell shrugs

    • Barbell upright rows

    • Dumbbell shrugs

    • Dumbbell bent over flies

    • Dumbbell front raises

  12. Barbell bent over rows

    • 3 sets of 20 reps

Resistance Bands

  1. Glute bridges

    • 3 sets of 20 reps

  2. Clam shells

    • 20 reps PER LEG = 1 set. Do 3 sets.

  3. Donkey kicks

    • 20 reps PER LEG = 1 set. Do 3 sets.

  4. Fire hydrants

    • 20 reps PER LEG = 1 set. Do 3 sets.

  5. Monster Walks

    • 10 steps forward, 10 steps backward. Do 3 sets.

  6. Crab Walks

    • 10 steps one way, 10 steps back the other way. Do 3 sets.

  7. Side Taps

    • 20 steps per leg, alternating legs. Do 3 sets.

  8. Plank with Hip Abductions

    • 10 reps per leg = 1 set. Do 3 sets.

  9. Hip Thrust

    • 3 sets of 20 reps.

  10. Single Leg Glute Bridge

    • 10 reps PER LEG = 1 set. Do 3 sets.

It took me forever to finally get a routine together that I like, that flowed well for me. I don’t have an exact science or rhyme or reason behind it, I just liked how these moves flowed for me when I tried them out together. I try to do legs 2-3 times a week, with chest/core, arms/shoulders, bandwork once a week. I alternate legs with the other sets every other day. So basically for example:

Monday - Legs

Tuessday - Chest/Core

Wednesday - Legs

Thursday - Arms/Shoulders

Friday - Legs

Saturday - Bandwork

Sunday - Rest or do any of the workouts I want.

Cardio I do basically every day, through at least a 5k or a 1 hour run, whatever time permits and every so often on my days off if I’m feeling up to it, I go for a long run. So far I’ve done either a 10 mile run and a half marathon once a month since quarantine started. I didn’t mean for it to happen, I was just on a running high halfway through it and was like why not. I probably will slow down on that during the summer because of the heat, and because I have to start marathon training soon, which requires me to rest more often between runs, to help build endurance for the increased mileage. I know this method definitely worked this year when I was training for the half, so I just need to remind myself to be patient. I always want to progress faster than I should because I want to be done with it, but I also know that the sooner I finish training if I finish it earlier than I should, I’ll be overconfident and take it too easy before race day.

I used to like biking for cardio, but as time went on, I slowly started to become addicted to getting my steps up and thus I ended up running more than biking. I guess you could say I finally do like running, hahaha. I’ll still tell you how much I hate it every step of the way DURING the run, but after, is a totally different me talking to you.

If you have any questions, let me know. Good luck and I hope you have a great workout!